Monthly Archives: May 2010

The Ugly Truth

Ok I have a question? How come people don’t like to hear the truth? And how come when you tell someone the truth, or someone tells you the truth we’re so quick to say “Why you judgin’ me!?” *rolls eyes* Ok, that was two…but really people what’s the problem? Do we not want to better ourselves?? We’re supposed to gird our waist with truth, and speak truth to our brother & sister if we truly love them. Now that DOES NOT mean you go running around throwing your opinions at folks all willy nilly. I mean if you see your brother or your sister killing themselves in the spirit. Doing something that is detrimental to their life!

People always claim to be able to handle the truth but in all actuality that’s far from the truth! The minute a friend lets us know something that isn’t quite right about ourselves we’re QUICK to throw up that wall and just block that person out. When they’re the ones we need in our lives!! They’re the ones who won’t let us make stupid mistakes or better yet be our accomplice while making the mistake!! Y’all know we all have that friend that we can call anytime of night to roll out to do some foolishness. Shoot I’ll still dress in all black and do a stakeout with you, but I won’t let you bust his windows boo or help you jump the girl, no sir ree bob. #1 I’m grown #2 It’s just plain dumb. But we will get evidence!!

Sorry, I don’t know where that came from…seriously we need the people in our lives who are going to check us (with love) not sit there idly by and let us do stupid stuff! When our friends tell us something that will benefit us we need to take a moment, take a look at our lives and see if what they’re saying makes sense. Then pray and ask God to help change it. I mean, I’m hoping that the people we call “friend” are people that we trust! People that have our best interest at heart, and want to see us grow. We all need a little sprucing up! I know I’m a brat at times I have OCS (only child syndrome) which is funny because it didn’t kick in until I was an adult #tricky…but the first step is admitting you have a problem :).

The truth is, that the truth can be ugly but we can’t keep it hidden in the closet or under the rug. We have to bring the truth to light in order to work through it, over come it and move past it. Jesus’ scars we ugly, and they were painful, they were exposed for all to see but those scars healed us and saved our lives. Keep the people close to you that help you heal and will keep you from killing yourself not the ones who will just rub salt in the wound or push you over the cliff…

Introduction Of Moi…

Hey everyone! This is Ivonnah and this is my very first blog entry!! Just a small introduction for you all to get to know ME. I’m so excited! This is going to be a place where I can just be free! Write what I want, say I how I feel with no concern of sentence structure or proper punctuation…much like my twitter page with more than 140 characters.

First and foremost I LOVE the Lord! Will all of my posts be preachin’ ? No, but I will reference Him a great deal because He is in the forethought of my mind throughout the day. I’m not religious, I have a relationship with God. There’s a BIG difference! I use to be religious, go to church, stand, sit, kneel and repeat, drink wine from the same cup during communion (glad y’all are dippin’ the cracker now St. Luke’s). I’d pray everyday…pray that I would get to my men’s magazine photo shoot on time, and thank God that there were no accidents on 95 South! Hallelujah Jesus!! Who moves to Los Angeles and finds God, not the surface God, the spare tire God, but the almighty, all powerful God and gets to have a deeper, more intimate relationship Him? ME! Most people move here and find drugs, sex and alcohol…me? I’ve been abstinent for almost two years (oh yeah God, about that husband?), I don’t drink…ok a sip of Moscato here and there, and cocaine looks like it burns and I hate when I get dust in my nose!

On a serious note, if I had never done a video or a photo shoot for men’s magazines then I would have never been a Wild N’ Out girl (everyone’s fave I hear), then I would have never moved to LA and found a church that helped me grow up so much in Christ! The girls that know me from television wouldn’t feel comfortable telling me what they need prayer for, but they do because they feel like they know me and they trust me with their problems. The guys who had my pictures on their prison walls (except Whalley Ave. my godfather is a CO there…nuff said) wouldn’t have had the courage to send me prayer requests with no funny business attached. I wouldn’t have people telling me that I make them want to go back to Christ or get to know Him better because of my twitter prayers. Please! They wouldn’t be following Ivonnah the hairdresser from New Haven! But they do follow Ivonnah, from the Avant video or Ivonnah the short haired girl from Wild N’ Out…

In conclusion, God has a divine purpose for our lives but we HAVE to follow His word, He orders our steps. Sometimes we have to go through things in our lives to protect the next person coming behind us, so they won’t make the same mistakes we did. Following Christ doesn’t always mean your life will be perfect, there are some rocky times that we have to go through in order to come out victorious in the end. Even when we mess up He’ll use it to get us to our destiny. Lord knows I feel like Joseph all the time!! He was sent to prison following Gods word, he wouldn’t disrespect the covenant of marriage. He was lied on and sent to prison, betrayed by his brothers (not in that order) but if it never happened then he would have never become the ruler of Egypt!

We are all Kings and Queens because we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. He’s just waiting on US to get our act together so he can bless us with our inheritance!!

OK welp! That went in an entirely different direction than I planned! Haha! That was for somebody…